Thursday THE 15th, February 2024 from 11:00-12:30 EAT
Under the Civic Advisory Hub- AML/CFT Regulatory Watch program, we are honored and excited to invite you, and all those within your networks, to our first series of virtual engagement, for the year 2024 on the topic” Reflecting on the Future of the FATF Recommendation 8”
This virtual event is designed to benefit NGO actors from within the East and Southern Africa region, by presenting a timely opportunity for participants to understand, and seek clarification, attendant to the regulators’ perspective on R.8, following the 16 November 2023 revised FATF R.8, its Interpretive Note,  and the best practice paper on the implementation of R.8, which some countries had enforced disproportionately.
Expect to hear from key subject matter experts within the region, including among others the Executive Director of the National Bureaus for Non-Governmental Organisations – Uganda, the Executive Director of the Kenya-NGOs Co-ordination Board Office of the President, and the Chief Standards Officer, Department of Registrar for NGOs-Ministry of Community Development and Social Services Zambia.
Our speakers include thought leaders, subject matter experts.
Get ready for a day of inspiration, discovery, insightful conversation.
Respective presentation shall highlight how each institution is planning to strike a balance between effective regulatory framework and over-regulation and share insight on how the role of the regulatory authorities has evolved to harmonize the Risk-Based Approach and non-disruption oversight of the sector operations across the region.
You will be equipped with knowledge of the new changes of Recommendation 8 and be able to prepare for what may be obtained for the sector.
Additionally, this webinar will broaden your understanding from the regulators’ perspective on the new changes of the FATF R.8 and explore areas of partnership in the implementation of the new changes.
You will have the opportunity to engage with our NGO Regulators and ask questions at the end of the presentations.